One of the important aspects of lifestyle are folk costumes that with their diversity and variants enrich the Albanian cultural heritage. There are more than 200 different kinds of traditional costumes in Albania. Their variety is[...]
Albanian folk music is extremely rich. It is expressed in a variety of ways, genres, instruments and dances. It includes northern Gheg traditions and southern Labs and Tosks. Albanian folk songs comprise heroic epics, lullabies, love[...]
The Albanaian iso-polyphony is a traditional part of Albanian folk music and, as such, is included in UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list. The term iso is related to the ison of Byzantine church music and refers to the drone[...]
The Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini is the most famous and comprehensive compilation of Albanian customary law dating from the Middle Ages. For centuries it strictly governed social behavior and everyday life among Albanians in different[...]
While in Albania becareful on the body language you use to reply when asked a question. In Albania, nodding your head means no, and shaking it means yes.
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