Byrek is an appetiser, a snack, a breakfast staple, and is even eaten as a late night snack, eaten anytime and anywhere by the Albanians.

“Byrek” is the most popular traditional food in Albania. It is a delicious food made with dough layers filled with various tasty ingredients in between. Each Byrek can have its own unique fillings in between layers, thus, resulting in various Byrek recipes and flavors. The most popular “Byrek” recipes are “Byrek me Gjizë” (Byrek with Ricotta Cheese), “Byrek me Domate dhe Qepë” (Byrek with Onions and Tomatoes), “Byrek me Spinaq” (Byrek with Spinach), “Byrek me Mish” (Byrek with Meat).
Individual byrek are also available and usually are in the shape of a rolled sausage. Because byrek is such a popular food in Albania, you can find it in any bakery across the country and at most restaurants.